Consciousness and Brain

 Consciousness cannot be said to be an emergent property of the brain... In order to study the brain, the consciousness has to exist before the brain (this applies to all times to all beings). Besides this all the concepts like thoughts, imaginations, memories, words, the interpretation of words, senses (eyes, nose, tongue, ears & skin), object of senses (Color, forms, shapes, smell, taste, sound, touch/texture and sensations), five elements and content of the Universe are created, studied and applied by Consciousness only, so Consciousness is without boundaries of time and space. Also, locations like inside and outside, sequence like before and after and content of time and space is completely dependent and defined by consciousness. The brain is just sensory information (combination of shapes, colors, texture, smell, taste) stored in the form of memory, so the existence of the brain is dependent on five senses and on the object of senses as explained earlier, therefore consciousness is independent of the brain. When consciousness is misidentified with the brain, then, the brain seems to be very real.

    If we are really brain and body, then how is it possible that we can't know everything about them? Anything that consists of forms and shapes is always exist relative to formless and shapeless consciousness... If we assume the brain to be real, the brain has to be somewhere other than something defined by the brain itself... All the directions and locations are defined by the brain, so the brain is supposed to be without the boundaries of space and time. In that case, the brain will be just another word for pure consciousness as explained above. 

If consciousness is said to be inside the brain, then it can be inferred that it has particular shape and boundaries... If consciousness itself is made up of forms, then it cannot process other forms and information received through senses. If we/consciousness were really inside of the brain, then all the things we are currently perceiving and experiencing can be said to be activities of the brain. In that case everyone would have complete knowledge of the brain, its anatomy, its functions and all the processes happening inside it. As we don't have full knowledge about the brain, it can be concluded that consciousness is independent of the brain. In order to know something, knower and knowledge must be different. Therefore, knower (Consciousness) is always different from knowledge (knowledge is in the form of color, shapes, forms, smell, taste, sound, touch, texture and sensations). 

Deep sleep or unconscious state can be said to be the absence of thoughts, not the absence of consciousness/the cessation of consciousness. Thoughts are dependent on interaction and contact of five senses (Eyes, Nose, tongue, ears and skin) with an object of senses (Colors, forms, shapes, smell, taste, sound, touch, texture and sensations). When we sleep, that interaction and contact is over, so thoughts temporary cease to exist. We cannot say that in deep sleep we become non-existence because in that state consciousness itself is object of consciousness (absence of change and thoughts). Also, the terms like non-existence and nothingness are incoherent.

We can use simple analogy of gold and ornament. Gold is a single substance. Out of this single substance of gold, rings, ornaments, and innumerable other forms may be fashioned. When we see a ring, we call it a ring, but it is still the same gold. If that gold is melted down and fashioned into an ornament, we would call it an ornament, but it is still gold. It never loses its essence of gold. Only the form changes, not the essence. In this analogy, the rings, ornaments etc. represent all the things of the world that we see, hear, touch and so on. All of these forms are transient. The substance of gold represents consciousness. It is the underlying reality and essence of everything that is of the changing nature. Ornaments are analogues to the organs of the body (e.g., the brain, the heart) and gold is analogues to pure Consciousness.

If the brain were really able to create consciousness or consciousness was an emergent property of the brain, then the brain would never be dependent on five senses (eyes, nose, tongue, ears and skin) and an object of senses (colors, forms, shapes, smell, taste, sound, touch, texture and sensations)) to obtain knowledge. The brain would have superior qualities and properties different than that of consciousness. The brain would have possessed inherent knowledge of its functions, anatomy and processes happening inside of it if it was self-consciousness. Nobody would have needed books or external sources to study knowledge regarding the brain and neurology. The self possesses unique property that is, it always knows about itself and can exercise its authority and power on itself anytime. As the brain relies on external sources to gain knowledge related to the brain, it can be said that the brain is not self and is inferior to consciousness and cannot create consciousness. If Brain were really able to create Consciousness or Consciousness was a emergent property of Brain, then it would be able to exercise its authority on itself and could cure all the neurological and brain-related diseases and disorders. 


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