God for Atheists

1)  God is another word for the Ultimate/absolute reality. God defines the real nature/ reality of our own self/soul. It is common and independent underlying truth of individuals’ mind, thoughts, imaginations, words and the meaning of words, senses (eyes, nose, tongue, ears & skin), object of senses (Vision, smell, taste, sound & touch/texture), five elements and the Universe. The Ultimate reality/God is always one infinite, formless, unchanging, indescribable pure consciousnesses. That which seems like space to human senses is nothing but infinite pure consciousness/reality of mind. All the religions say that God is one, that does not mean it is someone who is separate from us. It means consciousness that is revealed by questioning the mind is 'only one'. God is the reality of self, both existence and non-existence, words, the meaning of words, mind, thoughts, body, five senses, five elements, matter and content of the universe. Absolute definition of God gives a real explanation of the universe and the self/Soul. All the knowledge in the universe, including the universe, content of time and space, exists in the form of memory. Memory is always in the form of consciousness, so consciousness is always beyond any definitions and concepts known to a human being. 

2) God is an absolute reality whose self is like space (invisible and infinite but ever present) and God is the reality of me. — Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1 – 3.14.3 The universe is always consciousness because we all are part of the universe, and we all are Consciousness. If it is believed that the universe is not aware of itself then we are either falsely considering our self different from the Universe, or we are not considering our self aware/conscious. Even if we assume that we are created from the same source (big bang), then it also proves that the universe is of the same nature as of living beings/consciousness. The content of the universe always exists in the form of memory and memory is always consciousness, so is the Universe. In simple words, the matter/content of the universe is a projection of one's mind. Read 2nd paragraph of point 6.

3) According to Vedas and Upanishads of Hinduism, we are not really body and brain. Since many centuries surgeons, doctors and medical scientists have studied the brain and nervous system based on the assumption that five senses are absolutely real. All those studies may help human beings maintain their health, but those studies cannot define the criteria on which we are supposed to differentiate between reality and illusion. Just like faulty and inaccurate devices and instruments cannot be used to produce another more accurate device, in the same way mind and five senses cannot be used to determine the reality of the external world. It is not possible to verify the reality of the five senses and mind by using the five senses and mind themselves. The content of the universe is merely an illusion created by five senses. The existence of Universal content is always dependent on the five senses. Color, shapes and forms are perceived only due to eyes, smell is sensed by nose, taste is sensed by tongue, sound is sensed by ears, touch and texture are sensed by skin. So all the processes consist of interaction between senses and the object of senses. 

4) The order of existence of matter versus consciousness is studied and applied by using consciousness itself, so consciousness is beyond the boundaries of time. Matter and the resulting brain cannot exist before or after consciousness. The pure and unchanging consciousnesses/soul is the foundation of changing matter and thoughts. Since existence is relative, the matter and changing thoughts always exist relative to unchanging pure consciousness. Time is defined by continuous movement of matter and change in matter. In simple words, all the things and thoughts are changing with respect to unchanging pure consciousness. 

5) Atheists and their obsession with material proof:-

According to Vedic philosophy, the reality that is perceived by five senses is not absolute reality. So even if atheists are given proof of God, how do they verify that both the five senses and the proof given is absolutely real and not empirically real (Perspective of the human body)? How do atheists differentiate between existence and non-existence? What is the criteria on which atheists differentiate between reality and illusion? Why do atheists need proof for the existence of an absolute and infinite, invisible space?

Infinite and invisible space is underlying and real consciousness of mind, and it stands self proved. Just like one side of the coin cannot exist without the other side of the coin, in the same way all the changing matter and thoughts cannot exist without unchanging pure consciousness/soul. Whatever that is of the changing nature always have a reference point. The soul/real self is a reference point of all the changing thoughts, experience and perception.The existence is always relative, hence all the describable material objects and matter exist relative to indescribable pure single consciousness. The pure consciousness/Soul is the foundation of memory, mind, thoughts, imaginations, fantasies, five senses, object of senses, five organs of action, entire body, five elements, universe and time (time is defined by change and movement of anything). God is a reality of five senses, so it cannot be perceived by the senses. Anything that is perceived by the senses and mind always tends to change with time. Relative existence is always flickery and unreal in nature.

6) People become atheists because they lack perspective ( empirical and absolute) and their inability to differentiate between reality and illusion of the body and five senses makes them attached to matter to the point that they recognize themselves as material bodies. Atheism is denial of the fact that everything cannot be described by using words. Most of the atheists never study any religious scriptures and don't even know the true meaning and definition of God. The existence of atheism is totally based on rejection of the concept of God defined by others. Three levels of reality:- a) Paramarthika (Absolute reality):- Perspective of absolute space. This is the highest reality. b) Vyavaharika/Samvirit-saya (Empirical reality):- Perspective of the combination of five senses. Empirical reality is ever changing over time, thus it is empirically true at a given time and context but not metaphysically true. It is "our world of experience, the phenomenal world that we handle every day when we are awake". This reality is based on two perspectives, for example, from the sun's perspective, it neither rises nor sets, there is no darkness, and "all is light". From the perspective of a person on earth, the sun does rise and set, there is both light and darkness, not "all is light", there are relative shades of light and darkness. Both are valid realities and truths, given their perspectives. Yet, they are contradictory. What is true from one point of view is not from another. The absolute truth can be realized only from the perspective of absolute space/infinite Consciousness. c) Pratibhasika (Apparent reality):- for example, imaginations, ideas and fantasies. Apparent reality cannot be perceived by five senses.

By using above perspectives, it can be proved that we are not body or brain. If we say that we are inside the universe, then the Outside of the Universe is automatically defined, but from the perspective of absolute space, there is no Outside to the universe. Space is infinite and does not have any boundaries. It can be said that inside and outside are illusions created due to five senses and the body. If both the current knowledge and the perspective changes with respect to time and space, then it can be assumed as unreal (not absolute) and an illusion. If it is stated that the Universe is not consciousness, and consciousness exists only in the mind and brain, then this statement relatively defines that consciousness and mind possess shape and form. As the shapes and forms are perceived by five senses (specifically by eyes), and studied, processed and applied by consciousness and mind, so the concept of dimensions and space cannot be applied to consciousness and mind itself. The reality of mind is always without any boundaries and forms, so the statement of the Universe not being consciousness is false and without any logic. Also, if it is stated that mind is inside the brain, this statement too concludes that mind has a particular shape. Infinite Consciousness/ Universe contains and encompasses all the knowledge of shapes, forms, so the universe itself is always beyond physical dimensions.

The brain cannot create Consciousness/soul because creation and destruction processes are studied, processed and applied by Consciousness itself. Consciousness cannot be the effect of the brain, neither brain can be the cause of consciousness. Consciousness is the foundation of both the brain, body and mind. Since it is the foundation of the body and mind, it is beyond the scope of the five senses. The only way to realize our true self is by doing self-inquiry, meditation and devotion to one reality.


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