Answer 1

Your answers are contradictory. Dictionary definitions are flawed. //reality -the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.// see in this definition of reality, illusions are also real because they are not outside of the world.... Reality should be not be consisting of illusions... If it is full of illusions, then it can not be called as Reality... i want to see your point of view on Reality that really makes sense. ........................................................................................................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.///Things that can deceive the senses are real phenomena. Are you suggesting that God is just an illusion ? // ----->>>> Wtf... you are calling deception as real phenomena...i want clear difference between reality and illusion. Dictionary definition are flawed. and difference should not be only between words, you should differentiate between interpretation of both the words. God is independent of senses and it is defined as Infinite, Unchanging, eternal, omnipresent, infinite reality of the universe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/// I have zero memories of God. I have memories of people telling me about some Bible stories and the Judeo Christian Religions. Again memories are real as they exist in the brain but they can be about real things or imaginary things or things that we do not know are real or imagined. /// ----->>>>>you see, imaginations and fictions are not separate from memory... As memory is real from your point of view, so all the fictions and imaginations also become real.... God is infinite, unchanging and omnipresent Consciousness. Now you have memory of God.... You can't say you have zero memories of God. 😂 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

///We look at the evidence. Without lapsing into solipsism where we are all just brains in a vat (in which case you can't show God either) we have to assume that reality exists and we can interact with and learn it. We then develop ways through the scientific method and philosophy and testing to overcome our biases to evaluate truth./// -->>>>>>>>But evidence is perceived by five senses... You have to tell me how do you know that your five senses are real and not deception? We can't assume that the reality exists.. All the things become useless if we are in illusion and do not have idea of what reality is.. and I am not into solipsism. Philosophy of solipsism does not suggest further inquiry. I do not agree with them.  i do not need to prove God. God is eternal and infinite reality of consciousness. It stands self proved even in case of Brain in Vat.... For the Brain in Vat to exist, Consciousness has to exist... 


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