I think therefore I am false

  I think therefore i am (Cogito, ergo sum) - René Descartes... This statement is an empirical and momentary truth... The absolute truth should remain the same irrespective of any time. Rene Descartes defined the existence of self relative to the thinking process. In deep sleep we don't think, so according to Rene's point of view, we become non-existent in deep sleep, and our "self" is switching from existence and non-existence alternatively for our entire lifespan.

As Rene has defined existence relative to the thinking process, we can arrive at two conclusions. The first one is all the rocks and planets are thinking because they exist... The space also exists, so it can be said that space is able to think. In short, Rene can be said to imply that space is an omnipresent, eternal and all-knowing thinking entity, and the second one is, space does not exist because it is not able to think... The second conclusion is incorrect as we know space is the foundation of existence and is not different from our consciousness... 


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