Mind body Problem

 The presence of illusions means that we need to be cautious of our senses it doesn't mean you cannot trust them at all.

Computer AI is modeled after the human brain. There are interconnections between neurons done in either software or hardware. No individual node is the AI, but together it is.
If the mind was separate from the brain and you got brain damage, then you would expect that your personality would not change only some perceptions to your senses. Your memories would still be intact but that is not what we see.
Nor would consciousness necessarily understand how it worked.
The mind body problem has not been fully resolved but I don't think that substance dualism (which is what you are suggesting is winning at this point.
Here is a short video discussing both sides.
Where Does Your Mind Reside?: Crash Course Philosophy #22
Damage to your brain can cause changes in personality.
This may lead to Reductive Physicalism. This is the view that the world is only made of physical stuff including us.
Descartes first postulate “cogito ergo sum” ( I think therefore I am) concluded that you could doubt the existence of your body but not the existence of your mind which leads to
Substance Dualism - The world is made of both physical and mental stuff. Minds are separate from and cannot be explained by the physical. God is pure mind and rocks are pure matter. Humans are special in that we have both minds and matter. Interactionism says that the body can affect the mind and the mind can affect the body. Physical illness can affect your ability to think but mental and emotional stress can make you ill.
But how can a purely mental thing affect a purely physical thing and vice versa. This is the mind-body problem.
Substance dualists claim physicalism is missing qualia - subjective first hand experiences.
Physical reductionist claim this begs the question (see video for more details)
Epiphenomenalism claims physical states give rise to mental states but mental states can’t affect physical states.
Mysterianism says the question of consciousness is unsolvable by human minds.
The mind body problem has not been resolved.


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