So long as the dream is on, the dreamer is involved and therefore everything looks real. This is natural and the experience of all.
If one is hungry in the dream, the hunger must be attended to.
If one is hungry in the waking state, then also the hunger must be attended to.
To this end, all strive to earn, borrow or beg to assuage the desire for food.
If one sleeps on a full stomach and dreams that he is hungry, he will make efforts to eat food.
But, if at that moment, before taking the food in the dream, he wakes up.
Then, will he still be hungry or desire food?
No, he will not.
Since his stomach is full.
Similarly, those who wake up have no desires as then existence is found to be pure, that is, without any entity needing or demanding fulfillment.
Awakening leads to fulfilment itself.
On waking up from the dream of Samsara, the individual entity gets merged with what IS.
Sri Adi Shankaracharya has this to say:
"A liberated one, endowed with Self-knowledge, gives up the traits of his previously explained equipments (Upadhis) and because of his nature of Sat-chit-ananda, he verily becomes Brahman like (the worm that grows to be) a wasp.
After crossing the ocean of delusion and killing the monsters of likes and dislikes, the Yogi who is united with peace dwells in the glory of his own realised Self - as an Atmaram.
The self-abiding Jivan Mukta, relinquishing all his attachments to the illusory external happiness and satisfied with the bliss derived from the Atman, shines inwardly like a lamp placed inside a jar.
Though he lives in the conditionings (Upadhis), he, the contemplative one, remains ever unconcerned with anything or he may move about like the wind,
perfectly unattached.
On the destruction of the Upadhis, the contemplative one is totally absorbed in'Vishnu', the All-pervading Spirit, like water into water, space into space and light into light.
On this subject, Sri Ramana Maharshi answers to a devotee.
D.: What is samadhi?
B.: In yoga the term is used to indicate some kind of trance and there are various kinds of samadhi. But the samadhi I speak
to you about is different. It is sahaja samadhi.
In this state you remain calm and composed during activity.
You realise that you are moved by the deeper Real Self within and are unaffected by what you do or say or think. You have no worries, anxieties or cares, for you realise that there is nothing that belongs to you as
ego and that everything is being done by something with which you are in conscious union.
🕉 The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi edited by Arthur OSBORNE.
The Higher Power which is behind all manifestation takes hold of the activities and welfare for the body.
The body remains.
The world is seen.
There is no change outside in the manifested phenomena.
For the knower of truth, all worries cease to exist. There are no concerns. No fears. Absolute equanimity in what comes and goes. No feelings of loss or gain. No sense of ownership of belongings.
He sees but does not see.
He hears but does not hear.
He eats but does not eat.
He works yet He does not work.
Time and existence do not matter anymore.


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