
Showing posts from July, 2021

Consciousness and Brain

  Consciousness cannot be said to be an emergent property of the brain... In order to study the brain, the consciousness has to exist before the brain (this applies to all times to all beings). Besides this all the concepts like thoughts, imaginations, memories, words, the interpretation of words, senses (eyes, nose, tongue, ears & skin), object of senses (Color, forms, shapes, smell, taste, sound, touch/texture and sensations), five elements and content of the Universe are created, studied and applied by Consciousness only, so Consciousness is without boundaries of time and space. Also, locations like inside and outside, sequence like before and after and content of time and space is completely dependent and defined by consciousness. The brain is just sensory information (combination of shapes, colors, texture, smell, taste) stored in the form of memory, so the existence of the brain is dependent on five senses and on the object of senses as explained earlier, therefore consci...

Three levels of Realities

  Philosophy:- 1) Advaita Vedanta (Non-Dual) School of Hinduism 2) Yogachara School of Mahayana Buddhism 3) Madhyamaka School of Mahayana Buddhisim [A] Three levels of reality from a Vedantist (Hinduism Philosophy) point of view: 1) Paramarthika (Paramartha, Absolute):- Perspective of absolute space. The reality that is metaphysically true and ontologically accurate. It is the state of experiencing that which is absolutely real and into which both other reality levels can be resolved. This reality is the highest, it can't be subsumed (assimilated) by any other. 2) Vyavaharika (Vyavahara) or Samvriti-Saya: Perspective of the combination of five senses(human body). Consisting of the empirical or pragmatical reality. It is ever changing over time, thus it is empirically true at a given time and context but not metaphysically true. It is "our world of experience, the phenomenal world that we handle every day when we are awake". It is the level in which both living cre...

Conversation between Theist and atheist

  A Conversation Between an Atheist and A Theist on the Evidence For Gods Existence: Theist: God exists. Atheist: Prove to me that a god exists. There is no sufficient empirical evidence for the existence of a god, so there is no necessary reason to believe in the existence of a god. Theist: What makes you think that collectively verifiable evidence for a God exists? You cannot provide collectively verifiable evidence that your thoughts are your own and not that of another subject, so not all truths are collectively verifiable; some are only verifiable to oneself. So how do you know that God is a collectively verifiable entity rather than an entity that is objectively verifiable only to oneself through direct personal experience? Atheist: To be honest, I was unaware of the distinction between collectively verifiable evidence and subjectively verifiable evidence. Theist: So why do you keep demanding collectively verifiable evidence when not all truths have collectively verifiable ev...

Words are not real

  There is no such thing as proof unless it is trivial (deductive) - all bachelors are unmarried men. All inductive arguments use premisses that are unprovable (all swans are white). Furthermore, all the words we use in arguments are abstractions from reality (re-presentation of the presented world) and are not real. So, all our explanations (theory's) about the nature of the world (from the existence of god to electrons) can only be judged in terms of their usefulness (pragmatism) in various areas that practically concern us; physical, political, spiritual. We can enjoy these sorts of stories, and but logic is not essential to elicit a feeling of joy!

Consciousness is not emergent property of Brain

  Is consciousness an emergent thing produced by the brain? Consciousness maybe called an abstract noun, ok, but you’ll need to explain why and how consciousness is an emergent thing that brains produce. I understand you are trying to find a place for consciousness into the physical world by calling it an abstract noun like “awareness” or “love” are both abstract nouns…I get it. But you need to prove your premise which is: consciousness is an emergent thing produced by brain activity. Without that, your analogies do us no good, the equivocating love and consciousness comparison. Yes you could be right, but you could be wrong as well, because consciousness maybe immortal and it’s own source. Consciousness being an abstract noun does not conflict with idealism/dualism. Until you explain how brains produce consciousness, you are just assuming they do and claiming materialism is the default. Yes, consciousness could be an abstract noun, but that fact in of itself does not prove brains ...