Conversation between Theist and atheist

 A Conversation Between an Atheist and A Theist on the Evidence For Gods Existence:

Theist: God exists.
Atheist: Prove to me that a god exists. There is no sufficient empirical evidence for the existence of a god, so there is no necessary reason to believe in the existence of a god.
Theist: What makes you think that collectively verifiable evidence for a God exists? You cannot provide collectively verifiable evidence that your thoughts are your own and not that of another subject, so not all truths are collectively verifiable; some are only verifiable to oneself. So how do you know that God is a collectively verifiable entity rather than an entity that is objectively verifiable only to oneself through direct personal experience?
Atheist: To be honest, I was unaware of the distinction between collectively verifiable evidence and subjectively verifiable evidence.
Theist: So why do you keep demanding collectively verifiable evidence when not all truths have collectively verifiable evidence? Even if collectively verifiable evidence for God exists (which presumes that God is a spatial entity rather than a non-spatial entity), what would that evidence look like?
Atheist: I’m not really sure what that evidence would look like. Honestly, when a theist makes the positive claim that “a god exists,” I instinctively respond that “there is no sufficient evidence for gods existence” without even thinking about it, but the truth is that I do not know what evidence is necessary to sufficiently prove gods existence. Honestly, no theist has ever asked me this question before.
Theist: So how do you know that there is not already sufficient evidence for Gods existence? If sufficient evidence for God exists, and you don’t know what qualifies as sufficient evidence, then how can you make the claim that “there is not sufficient evidence for Gods existence?” If I were to give it to you, would you even be able to tell if it were sufficient or not? That would require knowledge of the Essence of God (in a limited respect), but you’re always asking the Theist for a definition and never provide one yourself! Tell me, if God exists, then what essential properties must God have such that God cannot exist without them?
Atheist: (insert your response here).
Theist: You seem to waiting for someone else to provide the sufficient evidence for Gods existence, but this evidence can only be found within yourself, either in experience, or in reason. But to find this evidence, you must part ways with the notion that the existence of God is absurd.
You and 6 others


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